Lindsay Lohan Sued by Crazy Person Who Claims She is a Hooker
Category: Celebrity News Author : H. Scott English Posted: January 22, 2012
Tags : lilo, lilo los angeles, lindsay lohan, Lindsay Lohan sued, lindsay lohan sued for being a hooker
Lindsay Lohan hasnt been dominating the tabloids lately. In fact, she has been quite the model citizen as of late. Even the judge at her progress hearing who told her to keep doing what she is doing.
It is a shame that she is facing a lawsuit by a lunatic Iraq war vet. Thomas A. Green is suing Lohan for $300,000 for unfair business practices. He claims that Lohan contacted him on Facebook and expressed interest in an online business he wanted to start. Lindsay Lohan had been banned form Facebook at one point in her life.
Oh he also claimed to be part of the team that killed Osama bin Laden.
Green acknowledges in the suit that he recently has been staying at a homeless shelter and that he suffers from a depreciated stage of delusion and hallucinations.
Green says Lohan led him on about the business and in the process of their discussions Lohan revealed her part in the consipracy to kill Osama Bin Laden.
In the l! awsuit G reen writes,
[Green] set out to command [Lohan] to twitter and stated if [Lohan] acknowledges this is an Osoma Bin Ladden (sic) op all civillians in past wrong doings will receive clemency.
He went on to say that he beleives that
[Lohan] might be a high end prostitute who is responsible for him being stuck in Colorado with no money or set income and a bank account closed.
Greens suit will certainly be thrown out of court, but it probably isnt making Lohan feel any better. She has recently had to run away form her house due to a psychotic fan breaking in.
Do you think Lindsay Lohan is a high end prostitute who helped kill Osama bin Laden?