Lindsay Lohan driving at time of crash, says assistant

Published: 8:19AM Friday November 09, 2012 Source: BANG Showbiz

Lindsay Lohan was driving the car at the time of her crash, her assistant has claimed.

The troubled actress has always claimed she wasn't behind the wheel of the car at the time of the accident on Los Angeles' Pacific Coast Highway in June and police were conspiring against her.

However, when officers interviewed her assistant Gavin shortly after the crash - at the hospital where Lohan was being treated - he told police Lohan was driving.

The assisstant's statement backs up the account of the truck driver Lohan hit, who also claimed he saw her behind the wheel.

However, the 26-year-old actress believes Los Angeles cops have a "vendetta to bring her down". They are pushing for her to be jailed for lying about her the crash.

Lohan is "terrified" of going back to jail because Judge Stephanie Sautner has told her she will violate her current probation if she breaks the law again.

She reportedly told friends: "One car accident could ruin everything for me."

Lohan is on probation since being found guilty of stealing a neck! lace in July 2011, for which she was sentenced to 120 days in prison and 480 hours of community service, and is telling pals she has since done everything right to abide by the law.

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