Lindsay Lohan might meet baby half-brother

People News

Nov 20, 2012, 6:01 GMT

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan allegedly hasn't decided if she wants to meet her new half brother once he is born.

The 'Liz & Dick' actress - whose father Michael Lohan took a paternity test recently which confirmed that 17-year-old Ashley Horn is his daughter - reportedly said she wants nothing to do her and called the situation a 'circus' but she might still have a relationship with Michael's new baby boy who is due to arrive on January 31.

A source close to the 26-year-old starlet told The Huffington Post: 'Lindsay is very loyal to her mom Dina and hasn't forgiven Michael for leaking a phone call between them last month. What makes matters even more complicated about the new baby Michael is expecting in January is that it's with one of her ex-friends, Kate Major.'

But Michael said he wants to hear Lindsay's feeling directly from her and hopes she will have a relationship with both of her half-siblings.

He said: 'What

es me off is people say sh*t that isn't even what she or we say. If it's not from the horse's mouth it means nothing.'

A source close to Lindsay previously said that although she has no personal issue with 17-year-old student Ashley, she finds the situation 'disgusting' and doesn't want to meet her because her father was still married to her mother Dina when he had a fling with Ashley's mother Kristi Horn in 1995.


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