Favorite people: Lindsay Lohan works eight hours in L.A. County morgue

Instead of being late, this time the troubled actress arrives in plenty of time, and even buys lunch for the staff.

New life: This time, LiLo
early for work at the morgue

Lindsay Lohan's second attempt at performing community service at the Los Angeles County morgue went much better than her first try.

Thursday, the embattled actress showed up 40 minutes late and was told to go home by the assistant chief coroner.

Friday, she was actually early, completed her orientation and got to work, all well within the established timeframe.

And, as if that wasn't surprising enough, LiLo bought lunch for the entire staff, according to RadarOnline.com, at In-N-Out.

The Associated Press reports that Lohan's days at the morgue, where she must complete 16 hours before a Nov. 2 court hearing on a possible probation violation, consist of custodial work, from mopping floors to cleaning and stocking bathrooms to washing dirty (as in blood- and body-fluid stained) sheets.

Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner revoked Lohan's probation during a contentious court hearing on Wednesday after the judge learned the "Mean Girls" star had been fired from doing community service at a women's shelter. Sautner ordered Lohan to complete 360 hours at the center and 120 hours at the morgue in April as punishment for taking a $2,500 necklace without permission.

This is Lohan's second time doing service at the morgue -- she initially completed a program there after a pair of drunken driving arrests in 2007. She has consistently struggled with completing the terms of her sentence.

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LiLo's dad says she's smoking
drugs, mom peddles book

For those wondering why LiLo finds herself in her current predicament, the following items might shed some light.

-- First, there's Dina, also known to Lindsay as Mom, who, according to TMZ.com, is pitching a book about her daughter's drug and alcohol use.

In the prologue for the book, she writes: "I blamed her friends, her career and her handlers for an (sic) newfound lifestyle of partying excessively. Drinking, drugging and behaving irresponsibly became Lindsay's way of daily living -- and it tore me up inside."

Of course, it was Dina who let LiLo move to L.A. originally with, as she puts it, "a few pieces of luggage and a chaperone."

-- And then there's Michael, who would be called Dad by Lindsay if she were talking to him, which she's not.

Asked about LiLo's stained teeth, Mr. Lohan, who has faced his own drug and legal problems, said, "she's either smoking crack or meth."

Witness says LaBeouf was
instigator of own beatdown

Unconfirmed reports that the guy who flattened Shia LaBeouf outside a Vancouver (B.C.) bar last weekend was getting back at the actor for having himself been decked inside remain unconfirmed. And for a reason.

According to TMZ.com, Shea Carter, the guy who restrained LaBeouf after the fight, said he'd seen him inside drunkenly swaying into people, including one man who calmly warned Shia, "Hey man, watch out."

Carter says LaBeouf replied, "Oh yeah? Or what? Wha! t are yo u going to do about it?" That's when the two decided to take things outside ... and the guy beat the actor down to the ground.

Sheen's passion for new
'Men' cools ... a whole lot

While he liked the first episode of the new "Two and a Half Men," Charlie Sheen isn't quite as impressed now.

In fact, he told TMZ.com he's "extremely disappointed" with the way producers are "handling what I left behind."

When asked why "Men" was slipping in the ratings from the show's debut, Sheen said, "People aren't stupid ... not all of them."

The ratings, though, are still up slightly from those of a year ago.

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Celeb couples: Kardashian
and Humphries fine, thanks

Crisis averted. Although, it appears there never was one.

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are NOT on the verge of a split ... not even close ... despite several magazine covers and websites saying they're headed for divorce.

Sources that TMZ.com described as "extremely close to the couple" say photos of Humphries carrying a bunch of boxes -- minus his wedding ring -- simply are showing him getting some stuff together for their move back to L.A.

The couple had been living out of New York's Gansevoort Hotel for a couple of months while Kardashian shot her new reality show "Kim and Kourtney Take New York."

As for the missing ring, TMZ.com says the guy just isn't a fan of jewelry.

Celeb couples II: Biel,
Timberlake back together?

On , off, on again, off again, on.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel seem to be back together. Again.

The couple attended the premiere after-party of Timberlake's new movie, "In Time," in Los Angeles on Thursday, and stole a few intimate moments together, according to an onlooker.

"(They) became more and more affectionate, sneaking kisses, whispering to each other and sharing quick back rubs and caresses," the eyewitness told People.com.