Lindsay Lohan Shows Off Brighter Smile; Will Reshoot Playboy Spread

Lindsay Lohan has something to smile about!

After being photographed with less-than-pearly whites earlier this month, the 25-year-old actress took to Twitter over the weekend to show off her new whiter and brighter teeth.

PLAY IT NOW: T.G.I.F. - Is Lindsay Lohan Already Done With Her Community Service? (October 28, 2011)

"Thanks Dr. Dorfman for the zoom," she wrote on her WhoSay page, referring to Zoom!, a popular teeth-whitening procedure.

Adding, "My gums are so sore though!"

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Lindsay Lohan: The Early Years

On Saturday, Lindsay showed off her new teeth while partying at the Playboy Mansion, Access Hollywood has confirmed.

Additionally, Access has learned that Lindsay will reshoot her Playboy spread -- with her new & improved smile -- on Thursday and Friday.

Lindsay's teeth may be picture perfect, but her legal future is still a bit foggy.


After doing court-ordered community service for the past two weeks at the Los Angeles County Morgue, the actress - who posed for Playboy last week - will appear in court on Wednesday, where she will once again face Judge Stephanie Sautner.

The judge could send her back to jail for failing to previously complete her community service work at the the Downtown Women's Center in Los Angeles.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Lindsay Lohans Mug Shots Over The Years

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