Lindsay Lohans Latest Look: A Pop Quiz

Hey guys, can we talk to you about something for a sec? Were gonna come right out and say it: were worried about that Lindsay Lohan. She showed up to the Saints Row: The Third premiere last night looking less than her usual youthful, natural, and fresh-faced self. Something about her just seems kindaoff. Are we crazy? She looked so tired, but it couldnt have been that late. We hope shes not feeling under the weather. The pollen counts been pretty high this year. And her teeth seem sobrown. Has she been forgetting to floss!? Weve done a lot of thinking, and here are some choices that might explain her less than radiant red carpet stroll.

A. Took the Nyquil when she meant to take the DayQuil.

B. Sleep debt from staying up to watch the Kardashian wedding special.

C. Really just doesnt give a damn about Saints Tow: The Third.

D. Sugar crash after eating Nestle Quik powder straight from the jar again. *bonus points for explaining her teeth*

E. Wait a secthe orangey fake tang.the wonky all makes sense: She wants to become a Jack-o-Lantern!

Check out the gallery below and make your own conclusions.

[Photo: Splash News Online]