Lindsay Lohan's father denied bail
By Shelley Rossetter, Times Staff WriterIn Print: Sunday, October 30, 2011
TAMPA Michael Lohan, the estranged father of actor Lindsay Lohan, won't be leaving the Hillsborough County jail any time soon.
A Hillsborough County circuit judge denied bail Saturday for Lohan, 51, on charges of violating a domestic violence injunction and a pretrial release order that he have no contact with former girlfriend Kate Major, who also attended the bond hearing.
Tampa police arrested Lohan early Thursday morning at the Tahitian Inn after they say he called Major several times, despite a judge's orders less than 24 hours earlier to have no contact with her after a domestic violence charge on Tuesday.
Lohan, who appeared in court on a video feed from the Falkenburg Road Jail, sat in a wheelchair with a bandage on his arm injuries likely stemming from his leap off a ! balcony and into a Bird of Paradise plant Thursday in an attempt to escape arrest.
Lohan's attorney, Michael Perry, urged Judge Denise Pomponio to grant Lohan bail.
Major called Lohan first, Perry said. The person who called her back was Lohan's assistant, Perry said.
"Mrs. Major induced the whole thing," he said.
Lohan, of Fort Lauderdale, also has several appearances scheduled for the coming week. They include a visit to the reality television show Celebrity Rehab, attending daughter Lindsay's court date and helping to promote a charity boxing event, Perry said.
"Honestly, I'm not concerned about events," Pomponio said. "That's the least of what I'm worried about, Dr. Drew and Celebrity Rehab."
Major, an ex-tabloid reporter who has been involved with Lohan for the last two or so years, entered the courtroom to tell her side of the story.
"Everything is completely false what (Perry) has said," she said.
She said she never called Lohan and he called her five times.
"He sounded completely intoxicated," she said. "I told the police, 'If he is drinking, he might have cocaine on him. Because he can't drink without cocaine.' "
Lohan responded to the accusations from jail, despite several rounds of advice by his lawyer and the judge not to speak.
"I did not call her from my cell phone, not once," he said. "For her to say I was drinking or on drugs is wrong."
An impatient Pomponio cut him off and offered her ruling.
"The bottom line is no bond," she said. "Because what part of no contact do you not understand?"
On her way out of the courthouse, Major said she had no comment but then offered one anyway.
"I never called him. That man is a liar," she said. "I'm glad the truth came out."
Shelley Rossetter can be reached at (813) 661-2442 or
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