Lindsay Lohan has posted bail

Lindsay's probation was revoked by L.A. County Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner after she encountered problems during some of her court-ordered probation requirements, which were issued as part of her sentence for stealing a $2,500 necklace in January.

The actress is now facing another trial on November 2nd to see if she violated her probation, and if she is found guilty it could see her sentenced to 18 months in jail.

Steve said: "Lindsay is hoping this matter will be resolved on Nov. 2 and the court will reinstate probation and allow her to continue fulfilling her community service."

Sautner explained Lindsay "blew off" the 360 hours of community service she was supposed to complete at Downtown Women's Center, where she is thought to have missed nine appointments.

The judge said: "Miss Lohan's actions deliberately made it impossible to complete her community service at the Downtown Women's Center... I certainly find that cause to revoke probation."

Lindsay has been ordered to spend two days a week of her 120 hours community service at the Los Angeles County Morgue.