Lindsay Lohans Home Is Up For Rent For $10,450 Per Month

Lately, Lindsay Lohan has been making headlines for her financial issues. Now, Lohan is making the news for a different reason.

According to the Huffington Post, Lohans Berverly Hills home has now been put on the market.

The real estate agencey Hilton & Hyland has put Lohans home on the market as a rental for a little over $10,000 a month ($10,450 per month to be precise).

It is still unknown as to why it has been put on the market; however, there are multiple theories that are circulating around the media.

Hollyscoop reported that Lohan was evicted from the home because of her financial woes, but TMZs report suggests that LiLo is getting ready to move back to New York in March when her probation is over.

The International Business Times suggested another theory. Their theory is that Lohan moved out of her home when she encountered Lonnie Short, a trespasser who demanded to speak to her on New Years day.

Regardless of the reason why, the rental is up for grabs and anyone would be lucky to call this four bedroom, five bathroom home their own.

Lohans old house also has a jacuzzi, white columns, and an unusual curved pool.

The home even received a $200,000 makeover from Million Dollar Decorators. The makeover will be shown on January 8th during the shows season finale.

If I had the money to afford $10,450 per month, I would definitely rent Lohans old home.

Do you think the house is worth the expensive price tag?